1 How would you define your role as a social auditor?
As a social auditor, my role is to make employees' voices heard by top management by ensuring compliance with ethical practices and identifying risks that could harm employees. Making regular worldwide visits to meet employees, organizing roundtables, and analyzing trends to identify areas for improvement are my key missions. Conclusions of my work is then translated into Group-wide action plans. Each year, I can organize over 300 roundtables at more than 60 sites, involving more than 2,000 employees.
2 What impact do you have on employees?
I’ve identified four main impacts: enhancing employees’ engagement by providing them with a direct channel of communication with top management, mitigating risks to anticipate crises, promoting performance by generating commitment, and creating value by helping to build a responsible group. By providing answers to employees, we can make them more committed, which is absolutely essential to foster productivity and innovation. In addition, this role as social auditor enables me to fully exercise my role as a director representing employees, by ensuring that employees' interests are respected in the Group’s strategic decisions. In this way, these two functions have a single goal: to take part in decisions that are both sustainable and ethical.
3 How do you view Teleperformance's social commitments in the light of your professional experience?
Teleperformance is a real driver for inclusion and social mobility. I started my career 20 years ago as an agent in Greece. A year later, I was promoted to supervisor, 10 years later I was elected as a representative of the European Works Council (ECWC) of Teleperformance SE and then, in 2020, as a director representing employees on the Board of Directors. My career reflects Teleperformance’s long-standing commitment to being “the market's preferred employer”. It also illustrates the Group’s ability to recruit, train and develop employees’ skills, as demonstrated by its high internal promotion rate of 61%. This High Touch approach permeates the corporate culture and creates excellent conditions for improvement of the employee experience.
The renewal of the terms of office of Daniel Julien and Alain Boulet as directors;
The ratification of the appointment of three new directors: Brigitte Daubry, Moulay Hafid Elalamy and Kevin Niu;
The proposed dividend of €3.85 per share, unchanged compared with the previous year;
The information on the remuneration of directors and corporate officers as well as their remuneration policy.